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Monday, April 27, 2009

Poem A Day 15 & 16

Day 15 prompt: Take a favorite poem, alter the title and write a poem using your new title

Where Does the Sidewalk End?
I was told to go this way ‘til I could go no more.
But now I’ve been walking since many years before.
Who knew that concrete covered so much of this earth?
I’ve missed my children and grandchildren’s birth!
My knees and my back are starting to bend.
Where, oh where does this sidewalk end?

Day 16 prompt: color

Blue is blue and
Green is green
But what the heck does that mean?
Black is dark
Yet absence of color
Purple the mark
Of royalty and peace
An interesting pairing
- To say the least.
Silver and gold sparkle and shine
The beautiful necklace that’s only mine
Red can be anger or sacrifice
Color is you and what you have seen.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

pad 13 & 14

Day 13 prompt: a hobby

I want to tell the stories of those who came before,
All the people who make me who I am.
Pictures and papers with so much in store,
Waiting for me to open the dam.
Taking what I know of dates and places
- Bringing them to life and giving them faces.
Those who didn’t have voices before
Now whisper to me,
Making me want to search more.

Day 14 prompt: love poem

Through the mist I see your face.
It guides me to peace
- Away from this place.
You touch me across great divides.
I reach back and know
There is nothing to hide.
We fit together so well
- Like missing pieces.
The shining moon
The glowing sun
Taking turns
As we have
In lifetimes before.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

PAD day 11 & 12

Day ll prompt: an object

The notebook is small and wire bound.
When I open it there’s a weird sound.
Its cover is a peaceful green,
With letters P, A and D
And the numbers 2009.
Most know nothing of what it means
And that’s just fine with me,
Since the poems are only mine.
Not the best of my work,
So if someone read them I’d feel like a jerk.

Day 12 prompt So we decided to (blank)

So we decided to invite other classes

Two decades ago we crossed the stage.
And our lives began a whole new page.
We slowly lost touch and went our own ways.
Then some of us began to wonder
How old friends now spend there days.
Time to plan a reunion for friends far and wide,
But then we remembered what happened last time.
Our class was small,
We could never fill a hall.
And we had friends who came before and after, all
Who we wanted to see.
That’s how the idea came to be.

Prompts at

Friday, April 17, 2009

PAD day 10

Prompt: Friday

Yes I realize the irony that I posted this on Friday. But it was a different Friday! :-)

I didn’t write this on Friday since I ran out of time.
The amount of work I had should be considered a crime.
Word was out that Wednesday was tax day,
There wasn’t much time to play.
Being busy did make time fly,
Though I still counted minutes until 5 o’clock came.
I put on my coat and was out the door
With a silent wish that Monday wouldn’t be the same.

Prompts from

Thursday, April 16, 2009

PAD Day 8 & 9

Prompts: A routine Day 8 and a memory Day 9

The best routine is the lack of one.
Yet every morning it reappears.
One foot out of bed then the other,
One sock on then another.
In the bathroom I wash my face,
Everything I need is in its place.
My breakfast comes with me on the go.
Here comes the train, no surprise it’s moving slow.

Maybe it’s a sign
The strongest memory I have
Is the arrival
Of a child that isn’t mine.
I was the first to see the little fingers and tiny toes.
It was then I realized I wanted one of those.
There were four in the room,
Then suddenly five.

Visit the blog at for some great poetry

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Poem A Day - days 5 & 7

Cliffs of Moher

Peering over the edge of the world,
The swirling water below
I feel smaller than a pebble
My troubles a grain of sand.
Majestically the cliffs have stood for centuries
As the tide has ebbed and flowed.
Even at the calmest moments,
As the sun brightly shines
The wind whirls around them causing visitors to shiver
Giving an understanding of how they formed.

Prompt: Landmark,guid,19d56087-4047-4589-b39b-995e90466679.aspx

The prompt for Day 7 was clean or dirty (pick one) I chose both since mine were kind of lame

Cheerful and sparkling
Like new fallen snow,
Except when you have a dog, but that’s another poem.
All the scrubbing
Nicely pays off.

Disgusting and
Icky are used to describe things that
Really need a good scrubbing.
Trust me the cost of soap is worth it, since
You don’t want someone looking at your things and saying Yucky!


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Poem A Day - Days 3 & 4

Day 3
Prompt: The problem with (blank)

The Problem With Dragons
The villagers cowered with fright,
As the dragon flew over head – its breath aflame.
Each night the villagers looked to each other –
They wondered who was to blame.
For it was known that dragons only torment the truly evil
Or ones who call them for sinister gain.
Then one day it simply didn’t return.
Was an ignorance of dragons something someone could feign?
Or was it mere coincidence that brought this cruel fate?
The villagers ever after remained suspicious.
So perhaps the dragon succeeded in being there undoing?

Day 4 Prompt: Animal

Each night the dragon flew over the village,
Only to find every window and door shuttered.
“It’s always the same” the poor creature thought.
He just wanted a friend perhaps someone to love
Instead he was viewed as a menace above.
He was only searching for someone who knew
The true nature of dragons and why they flew.
In time he realized this village was wrong.
To another place he moved before long.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Poem a Day - Day 2

Todays prompt: Outsider

I am but a shadow of who I was,
Retracing the footsteps of all my yesterdays.
I speak to loved ones.
They do not hear
I reach for them.
They do not see.
I give the love I held back a moment to long.
They do not feel.
There was always tomorrow,
And then it was gone.,guid,06f8d399-1961-42e0-8e87-02e2ccf05e5d.aspx

April Fool?

April is National Poetry month! Once again Robert at Poetic Asides is hosting the Poem a Day challenge. After making it about half way last year, I've decided to publicly comit to getting all the way through this year! So let's begin with the Day 1 theme - Origins,guid,b18860be-3ebe-4e64-a847-39f454bc420e.aspx

My Emerald Isle

Standing at the shore
Looking through the mist of time,
I realize that this is where I began.
Though I’ve never been here,
This is where I’m home.
The ancestral voices whisper to me,

Giving me strength to move forward.

See you tomorrow!