I love Seasons Box! Plain and simple, it's my favorite subscription. I love that they reveal the items and then you can decide to skip that month. I only wish they were shipping earlier in the month like they originally said. But this might be best since PopSugar seems to be shipping earlier these days. All these items are full size and of excellent quality. Plus they are eco-friendly! March's theme was green and St. Patrick's Day.

I haven't bought incense in ages, so this was fun to see. This is a lime scent. I really liked it but these cones seem to burn quickly compared to other incense I've had. Maybe it's the more eco friendly materials...
In my opinion you can never have to much tea, especially Irish Breakfast Tea! This tea smells wonderful. I haven't had a chance to sample it since I've had to cut way back on caffeine. It's a loose leaf tea and my tea steeper is waiting!
The timing on this umbrella was perfect. It's been raining like crazy in Chicago lately. It did blow inside out once but it didn't bend at all so I'm impressed. This seems pretty durable. It's not quite green, closer to brown but it's still a unique enough color that it stands out among the other commuter umbrellas :-)
Another great box. I'm so glad I got in on the one year deal a few months back
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