I put the review of the Fab Fit Fun VIP Gift Box until last because I wasn't really looking forward to writing it. This has to be the most disappointing subscription box I have ever tried. I'm just grateful that I got it at a discounted rate. This one is meant to come out once a quarter so they have until June to get this right.

I was one of the fortunate ones that got one of the "bonus" items. That's in quotes because there were three items that were shown in every review box and not classified as bonus items but when regular subscribers received their boxes that's what they were called. There were a number of variations and some received all of the items while others received one, two or none. On the positive side, the Josie Maran lip stain is a great product! This color is called Waltz. It's not to red and it's not to pink. Yeah!
The JewelMint items may be what caused the loudest complaints. The charm bracelet is probably one of the better options. As the mom of an almost three year old, at least this will be good for entertainment value. And I do like a charm bracelet once in awhile. I do still have the one from Disney Land that my dad bought for me when I was eight. He had to move the links so it wouldn't slide of my wrist. And it was a kids bracelet. For the record, that bracelet still fits as adjusted. Yes, I have freakishly skinny wrists. So the surprise was that this actually looks like it will fit!
Usually I put the description after the picture but I felt that this one deserved some sort of warning. The picture doesn't do the color of these justice. Imagine something between lemon and neon yellow. My 1987 self might have considered these... On second thought, no, even she had better taste than that.
Zoya did an exclusive color just for these boxes. Though I heard later boxes got another color. Yes, they ran out of their signature color. I think that sums up the issues with this box right there. It's actually a nice color and the lip gloss is a great neutral shade. I don't really need more nail polish but a fun color is hard to resist.
I know many people weren't happy with this being included. Personally I've really liked all the Think Thin bars I've tried in various subscription boxes. It has peanut butter so that helps in my book. These are a good snack because they fill me up but I can still work out without feeling to full.
The infamous eye brow gel. When you signed up for Fab Fit Fun, there was a survey that asked all sorts of things like skin tone and hair color. I answered honestly that I am blonde and fair skinned. So naturally they sent me a medium dark eye brow gel. I was going to give it away since it's sample sized but I had heard so many people talk about how it was fried out that I opened it myself. I'm glad I did. I'll spare you the picture but it was pretty much a solid. It went into the trash.
To be fair to Fab Fit Fun, they did answer my complaint with an offer of a free box in June. I figured I'd give them the chance since I had such high hopes for this box in the beginning. I'm really hoping that this was just a case of selling more and faster than they realized and they will fix these issues in the three months between boxes.
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