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Sunday, May 5, 2013

Pop Sugar Must Have - April 2013

Pop Sugar Must Have is still one of my favorite boxes. Though April's box was a little lackluster. It felt like it just needed one more item to pull the whole thing together. I'm not sure what that "one thing" was that was missing though...

 First off, you can't go wrong with chocolate! I've tried some amazing new chocolates since I've started getting subscription boxes but I've never had one with Quinoa in it! I love Quinoa and dark chocolate so why not? This was a nice full size bar so I can share :-)

 I don't think I've ever tried perfume oil in any brand. I've heard it's supposed to be more concentrated. This is in a bottle with a roller ball so at least I won't spill it :-) It has a really nice scent to it. It's not overly floral so it's one I will actually use!
 This bracelet came in a cute brown draw string bag. It's adjustable by pulling the ends apart. I love the turquoise color!
 I don't use blotting sheets that often so I'm not sure what the difference is between day and night ones. But I'll give them a shot. They seem less powdery that others I've tried so maybe that has something to do with it...
The Green Garmento bag is actually blue. Sorry for the weird colored picture. This bag can be used as a dry cleaning drop off/pick up bag, a garment bag or a duffel bag. I admit it's kind of neat. I'm not so keen on the giant PopSugar logo on the front. But at least the bag itself isn't bright pink! :-)

Overall a good not great box for April 2013.

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